Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Last Day of the year!

oh finally it's the last day of 2009!!!...

It's time to reflect 2009.... mmm... recalled last year i said this year i wanted to focus in ORDERLINESS.... in finance, household, career... mmm

2009 has been a year... i guess there are a lot of events took place.. let me recalled ..
..went to UK+Italy(Rome n Venice) with dar's family..
..still enjoying my new work, pretty happy with the travelling..
..getting more organized in term of tracking my daily expenses, the rental calculation monthly, housing loan tracking, another loan tracking for my dad...
..ish! got myself involved in another debt repayment ...for dad... sob...
..cleaned up my room nicely.. (so last minute!!! now u know why i want to clean up my room.. so that i can write here..:P)..!! a full marathon!!!!.......hurrayyyyy!!!!!... to sri lanka again, india-jamnagar, KL KL KL...Labuan..Melaka...
..CG leader left us...
..getting better in knowing my darling...and his family..

Overall: Did i achieve my goal??
50%done for marathon.. i missed the 60k sales... grr!

mmmm... so 2010........... wrote down my resolution since early dec...
1. Church
3. Recreational
4. Other

hehehee~~ details are written somewhere.. :D

Yeah! Go go Go, 2010!!

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