Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Seam Reap Back Pack... Budget <1.5K, wanna come?

Hey Hey.. After discussion with Woon... We decided to cut short our trip to 5D or may be 6D.. hahaa..

So, OCT is a perfect month to go, we decided....... :D And now, gathering people, looking for max 4 ppl would be awesome.....

Buddy Choo.. U mau ikut?? Not sure if you are busy with work or wat... hahahaa...
Jus, u mau ikut? hahahhaha~
Siapa siapa yang baca, mau ikut?

So, this blog is about promoting my trips... keke.. And record down the responsibility..
Woon-->Gather Itinery from friends, Visa Inquiry
CY--> as usual, cari orang, gather info bukan bukan.....

haha.. Yeah.. Most Important, must pray and see how this going.. Yeah!! It's gonna be fantastic! :D

1 comment:

Justin said...

neh, i'll skip..