Friday, June 08, 2007

Customer Support

Wah! working in this Customer Support, how to describe?

Been lagging in my work....
seems a bit.. easy for me dulu dulu..and start to feel stagnant.. (proud lor! forgive me ya..), shifting to this customer support and overseeing the mobile team....
start to feel the heat burning here and there a little ady~~

Recalled my 1st job.. kena tembak almost everyday...... firefight almost everyday!! wahahahaha~~~ and i was enjoying as if football match everyday... :P
Production vs Test 0-1
Quality vs Test 0-1
ME vs Test 0-1

wahahahahhahahaha~ Test engineering la paling cool......... because i got a super boss, super big boss and.. my boss got a super employee known as cili padi... wahahahaha... :P THose time was fun.. :D

Now, big already........... and guess expectation towards self and from others also changed.

People expect you to handle things more rationally, rather than being too emotional (my weakness)..
people expect you to be gentle in speech and quick to listen.. (my another weakness)..

mmm... hope i will make progress each day and be a better person. :)

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