1.) Eagle fly with eagles
2.) Have a vision and remain focused no matter what the obstacle and you will succeed.
3.) Be careful with what you feed your eyes and ears with, especially in movies and on TV. Steer clear of outdated and old information. Always do your research well.
4.) We can use the storms of life to rise to greater heights. Achievers relish challenges and use them profitably.
5.) Whether in private life or in business, one should test commitment of people intended for partnership.
6.) The people who love us do not let us languish in sloth but push us hard to grow and prosper. Even in their seemingly bad actions they have good intentions for us.
7.) We occassionally need to shed off old habits & items that burden us without adding to our lives.
:) Be like the Eagle! Soars up high with Wings!!!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
1 thing i learned
1 thing i learned so far in my life.....
--> action........
take action..rather than groaning and blaming others......!
face the fear......
read more books........ more books that are good for souls.....
stop self arguments and theory banging.....
Life is just ur ACTION towards circumstances...
and always remember.. Exposure will grow a person. :) THat's what my dad always told me. mm..:)
Be Strong and Courageous!! :D
--> action........
take action..rather than groaning and blaming others......!
face the fear......
read more books........ more books that are good for souls.....
stop self arguments and theory banging.....
Life is just ur ACTION towards circumstances...
and always remember.. Exposure will grow a person. :) THat's what my dad always told me. mm..:)
Be Strong and Courageous!! :D
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Today, Moon Sis ask me to put on GEAR 1...........
YEAH!! There i go.. GEAR 1..........
God is doing something GREAT!!
I always believe that. :D
YEAH!! There i go.. GEAR 1..........
God is doing something GREAT!!
I always believe that. :D
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Suddenly recalled this dream.........
few days back........ i was having this dream.....
i dreamt of a prophet.......
the prophet said to me..
"whatever you have in mind, GO for it!"
wah................... !! AMen!
tq tq!
Somehow, i believed He revealed a HUGE VISION for me........
wow~ And i hope that as I go along, the VISION will become a REALITY. AMEN!! :D
It works!
****************ok..story begin**************************
Went Gurney Plaza, bought Biotherm products.. (wah.. $$$)..
while i was quieing up, machine down.. emm.. then i just chit chat with the promoter.
oo, she is same age as me, today only she work in gurney. Other day, she worked in Qbay.
ooo..i am entitled for RM30 parkson voucher + 1 biotherm lucky draw.
ooo... the lucky draw highest prize now is RM200 gift.
so i was telling her.."ok, i ll get the RM200 gift later ;) "
and machine suddenly up.. listen to people conversation....
some were impatient, some were patiently waiting..
grab my shower cream+ hair cream.. RM28+.. give RM30 voucher.. cashier say no return money.. i said i am ok with it.
and it's ady 730pm...(we suppose to be at chinese swimming club for appreation dinner)..
and then...... i followed the promoter to the biotherm counter.
the lucky draw place.. mm, and i just got it spinned.. picturing myself get the RM200 gift...
so, the thing was rolling...........
the promoter said."oh, u should ve spin harder ma.."...
i just smiled... :)
and.. slowing down............
it fall into the little purple colour pie.................... stated.. "RM200 gift!"..
I was jumping with JOY! Praise the Lord!!!!yippeeeeeee!!!
all the promoter were jumping with me too!!
Nice Gift! ANd it marked the 1st biggest lucky draw in my life........ kekekeke..~~ yeah... it's only the beginning......... :D
while i was quieing up, machine down.. emm.. then i just chit chat with the promoter.
oo, she is same age as me, today only she work in gurney. Other day, she worked in Qbay.
ooo..i am entitled for RM30 parkson voucher + 1 biotherm lucky draw.
ooo... the lucky draw highest prize now is RM200 gift.
so i was telling her.."ok, i ll get the RM200 gift later ;) "
and machine suddenly up.. listen to people conversation....
some were impatient, some were patiently waiting..
grab my shower cream+ hair cream.. RM28+.. give RM30 voucher.. cashier say no return money.. i said i am ok with it.
and it's ady 730pm...(we suppose to be at chinese swimming club for appreation dinner)..
and then...... i followed the promoter to the biotherm counter.
the lucky draw place.. mm, and i just got it spinned.. picturing myself get the RM200 gift...
so, the thing was rolling...........
the promoter said."oh, u should ve spin harder ma.."...
i just smiled... :)
and.. slowing down............
it fall into the little purple colour pie.................... stated.. "RM200 gift!"..
I was jumping with JOY! Praise the Lord!!!!yippeeeeeee!!!
all the promoter were jumping with me too!!
Nice Gift! ANd it marked the 1st biggest lucky draw in my life........ kekekeke..~~ yeah... it's only the beginning......... :D
Sunday, November 11, 2007
This man has almost 95%
Friend shared this article with me.
And i shared to a few men. Some give opinion, some deny, some even said, it must be written by women!
And today, i catch up with an old great buddy of mine.
Wow! Just from the right of the beginning, his picking up, his arrangement, the conversation, his planning, etc.......... Never had i felt so SECURE with him.
Let's go through the article and his good points, and what is the 5% that he still lack of.
1.) Check out the person
Definitely, this is a mate material. He stayed committed in a relationship and give his best.
Common interests side(cannot comment, because it is up to his partner).
Does he want to get married? --> YES, he is planning and yet to inform his partner.
He is serious about the relationship.
2.) Does this man the pursuer?
Yes, definitely. :)
Even seeing from the way he treated his buddy(me), you will always felt taken care of when you are with him.
3.) He desire to move into his partner heart?
YES. He shared to me that, sometimes, in the beginning of relationship, it might took a little while to work on the compatibilities, and it take sometime to give more and more to the relationship. But, commitment counts.
4.) Does this man have a vision for his life?
definitely YES. He is bright and smart. He is a man with destiny and purpose.
He is certain of his direction and you will definitely not feel miserable with him.
He is not intimidated by the vision of his partner but He will strive to be the best ally, cheerleader and assistant because He wants them both to make it.!
2 very important statements which i felt it's very TRUE.
a.) If the man you meet makes you feel that you need to completely reinvent yourself, something is wrong
-> for sure, i do not feel that way whenever i was with him last time, and furthermore, he makes me a better person.
b.) The man should cover, protect and provide not only materially for a woman, but emotionally and spiritually as well. You should be richer in mind, body and spirit for your union with the man of your dreams. The man in your life should make rich deposits into your heart and spirit, not withdrawals.
--> He protect me, take care of me and sacrifice his fun with friends just to accompany me when i was sick, He provides for me, materially, listens to me and bring up my emotion. With him, i am richer in mind, body. He is making rich deposits in my life. :)
I truly thankful for having such a wonderful buddy in my life.
And i hope that one day, He will be spiritually strong as well. :) That's the 5%.
And i shared to a few men. Some give opinion, some deny, some even said, it must be written by women!
And today, i catch up with an old great buddy of mine.
Wow! Just from the right of the beginning, his picking up, his arrangement, the conversation, his planning, etc.......... Never had i felt so SECURE with him.
Let's go through the article and his good points, and what is the 5% that he still lack of.
1.) Check out the person
Definitely, this is a mate material. He stayed committed in a relationship and give his best.
Common interests side(cannot comment, because it is up to his partner).
Does he want to get married? --> YES, he is planning and yet to inform his partner.
He is serious about the relationship.
2.) Does this man the pursuer?
Yes, definitely. :)
Even seeing from the way he treated his buddy(me), you will always felt taken care of when you are with him.
3.) He desire to move into his partner heart?
YES. He shared to me that, sometimes, in the beginning of relationship, it might took a little while to work on the compatibilities, and it take sometime to give more and more to the relationship. But, commitment counts.
4.) Does this man have a vision for his life?
definitely YES. He is bright and smart. He is a man with destiny and purpose.
He is certain of his direction and you will definitely not feel miserable with him.
He is not intimidated by the vision of his partner but He will strive to be the best ally, cheerleader and assistant because He wants them both to make it.!
2 very important statements which i felt it's very TRUE.
a.) If the man you meet makes you feel that you need to completely reinvent yourself, something is wrong
-> for sure, i do not feel that way whenever i was with him last time, and furthermore, he makes me a better person.
b.) The man should cover, protect and provide not only materially for a woman, but emotionally and spiritually as well. You should be richer in mind, body and spirit for your union with the man of your dreams. The man in your life should make rich deposits into your heart and spirit, not withdrawals.
--> He protect me, take care of me and sacrifice his fun with friends just to accompany me when i was sick, He provides for me, materially, listens to me and bring up my emotion. With him, i am richer in mind, body. He is making rich deposits in my life. :)
I truly thankful for having such a wonderful buddy in my life.
And i hope that one day, He will be spiritually strong as well. :) That's the 5%.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Free Will
“when i remember what the Lord has done, I'll never turn back ANYMORE, anymore.
When i remember what the Lord has done, I'll never turn back anymore...
I'll never turn back anymore.."
God give us free will. Wisdom to decide. :)
申 命 記 30:15 看 哪 , 我 今 日 将 生 与 福 , 死 与 祸 , 陈 明 在 你 面 前 。 16 吩 咐 你 爱 耶 和 华 ─ 你 的 神 , 遵 行 他 的 道 , 谨 守 他 的 诫 命 、 律 例 、 典 章 , 使 你 可 以 存 活 , 人 数 增 多 , 耶 和 华 ─ 你 神 就 必 在 你 所 要 进 去 得 为 业 的 地 上 赐 福 与 你 。 17 倘 若 你 心 里 偏 离 , 不 肯 听 从 , 却 被 勾 引 去 敬 拜 事 奉 别 神 , 18 我 今 日 明 明 告 诉 你 们 , 你 们 必 要 灭 亡 ; 在 你 过 约 但 河 、 进 去 得 为 业 的 地 上 , 你 的 日 子 必 不 长 久 。 19 我 今 日 呼 天 唤 地 向 你 作 见 证 ; 我 将 生 死 祸 福 陈 明 在 你 面 前 , 所 以 你 要 拣 选 生 命 , 使 你 和 你 的 後 裔 都 得 存 活 ; 20 且 且 爱 耶 和 华 ─ 你 的 神 , 听 从 他 的 话 , 专 靠 他 ; 因 为 他 是 你 的 生 命 , 你 的 日 子 长 久 也 在 乎 他 。 这 样 , 你 就 可 以 在 耶 和 华 向 你 列 祖 亚 伯 拉 罕 、 以 撒 、 雅 各 起 誓 应 许 所 赐 的 地 上 居 住 。
Deuteronomy 30:15 See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. 16 For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess. 17 But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient, and if you are drawn away to bow down to other gods and worship them, 18 I declare to you this day that you will certainly be destroyed. You will not live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to enter and possess. 19 This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live 20 and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
“when i remember what the Lord has done, I'll never turn back ANYMORE, anymore.
When i remember what the Lord has done, I'll never turn back anymore...
I'll never turn back anymore.."
God give us free will. Wisdom to decide. :)
申 命 記 30:15 看 哪 , 我 今 日 将 生 与 福 , 死 与 祸 , 陈 明 在 你 面 前 。 16 吩 咐 你 爱 耶 和 华 ─ 你 的 神 , 遵 行 他 的 道 , 谨 守 他 的 诫 命 、 律 例 、 典 章 , 使 你 可 以 存 活 , 人 数 增 多 , 耶 和 华 ─ 你 神 就 必 在 你 所 要 进 去 得 为 业 的 地 上 赐 福 与 你 。 17 倘 若 你 心 里 偏 离 , 不 肯 听 从 , 却 被 勾 引 去 敬 拜 事 奉 别 神 , 18 我 今 日 明 明 告 诉 你 们 , 你 们 必 要 灭 亡 ; 在 你 过 约 但 河 、 进 去 得 为 业 的 地 上 , 你 的 日 子 必 不 长 久 。 19 我 今 日 呼 天 唤 地 向 你 作 见 证 ; 我 将 生 死 祸 福 陈 明 在 你 面 前 , 所 以 你 要 拣 选 生 命 , 使 你 和 你 的 後 裔 都 得 存 活 ; 20 且 且 爱 耶 和 华 ─ 你 的 神 , 听 从 他 的 话 , 专 靠 他 ; 因 为 他 是 你 的 生 命 , 你 的 日 子 长 久 也 在 乎 他 。 这 样 , 你 就 可 以 在 耶 和 华 向 你 列 祖 亚 伯 拉 罕 、 以 撒 、 雅 各 起 誓 应 许 所 赐 的 地 上 居 住 。
Deuteronomy 30:15 See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. 16 For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess. 17 But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient, and if you are drawn away to bow down to other gods and worship them, 18 I declare to you this day that you will certainly be destroyed. You will not live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to enter and possess. 19 This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live 20 and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Emotionally struggled
Often, i talked to many people, about our struggles in life..about disappointments with circumstances, people............ 1 thing i really find out.
Again, that is the LACK of FOCUS.......
U are in a sea, sailing towards a destiny. In the mid way, storm sets in. Are you focusing your mind to the wavering sea? Or are you focusing in reaching your destination?
Focus on wavering sea, you only get more dizzy and might be vomitting.. (those who experience sea sickness before, you would know what i meant.)
Once you shift your focus on the destination, the destiny........... you will press on and until you have arrived.
1 thing for consideration............ What Goal should you set?
Getting the right goal is CRUCIAL!
Philipians 3:13-14 But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Again, that is the LACK of FOCUS.......
U are in a sea, sailing towards a destiny. In the mid way, storm sets in. Are you focusing your mind to the wavering sea? Or are you focusing in reaching your destination?
Focus on wavering sea, you only get more dizzy and might be vomitting.. (those who experience sea sickness before, you would know what i meant.)
Once you shift your focus on the destination, the destiny........... you will press on and until you have arrived.
1 thing for consideration............ What Goal should you set?
Getting the right goal is CRUCIAL!
Philipians 3:13-14 But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
My ideal marriage
so what is the ideal marriage i have in mind?
What is the husband role?
What is the wife role?
To put it in the navy term, to me..
Marriage must comes with a VISION.
And the VISION must be common between the husband(the attacker) and the wife(the base protector).
For example:
VISION: To build a Godly family and live an abundance life, by overcoming storms in life, perseverance and keep focusing and pressing on.
The attacker:
-provide financial needs
-provide protection
-show example to his next generation
-support his partner
the base protector:
-build a comfortable home
-support the attacker
-take care of next generation
-domestic support
-if needed, might need to go out and help the attacker
and to put in the Organization term:
It's almost the same.
now Husband= the Director
Wife= the Co-partner
Together, they build the organization and focus on the vision they set.
Discuss problems whenever things arise, trying to sort things out logically. Put away emotional hurts but focus on issue.
mmm...... I pray that all will have the kind of mindset/strength to build a family, just as the same effort we put in building up our career. Finding the balance between. :)
Focus on Vision, holding onto Commitment, pressing on and finish the Race. :)
What is the husband role?
What is the wife role?
To put it in the navy term, to me..
Marriage must comes with a VISION.
And the VISION must be common between the husband(the attacker) and the wife(the base protector).
For example:
VISION: To build a Godly family and live an abundance life, by overcoming storms in life, perseverance and keep focusing and pressing on.
The attacker:
-provide financial needs
-provide protection
-show example to his next generation
-support his partner
the base protector:
-build a comfortable home
-support the attacker
-take care of next generation
-domestic support
-if needed, might need to go out and help the attacker
and to put in the Organization term:
It's almost the same.
now Husband= the Director
Wife= the Co-partner
Together, they build the organization and focus on the vision they set.
Discuss problems whenever things arise, trying to sort things out logically. Put away emotional hurts but focus on issue.
mmm...... I pray that all will have the kind of mindset/strength to build a family, just as the same effort we put in building up our career. Finding the balance between. :)
Focus on Vision, holding onto Commitment, pressing on and finish the Race. :)
Thursday, November 01, 2007
wahh... received this from one of my dear...
She is my sun sister, also known as eagle dearie, that I’m aware of now, perhaps have other few more names which I’m unaware of and I’m sure she lives up to every of her names. By just names, you know that she is powerful, energetic, spirited, bright, sharp, and full of dignity, born to be a leader and etc, etc, etc, a great number of significant characteristics can be found in her. Although she could be quite blunt sometimes but that is just being honest, a person who speaks her mind, no pretend ness, isn’t that just making you want to appreciate her more for being so genuine?When I’m riding on bumpy roads, facing the bottlenecks and tribulations in life, she has been there and she is there to see me through. If not of her, I wouldn’t be able to make it. If I have not told her how important she is in my life, I wish I could tell her someday. Father Lord, I wish I have 50% of her courage, 70% of her determination and 90% of her strength; to go to her to tell her that world is still worth living in it’s because of her.
so happy~~ wahhh....... sounds as if i so..wahh..
i am DEEPLY LOVED! :D muakssssssssss...!
She is my sun sister, also known as eagle dearie, that I’m aware of now, perhaps have other few more names which I’m unaware of and I’m sure she lives up to every of her names. By just names, you know that she is powerful, energetic, spirited, bright, sharp, and full of dignity, born to be a leader and etc, etc, etc, a great number of significant characteristics can be found in her. Although she could be quite blunt sometimes but that is just being honest, a person who speaks her mind, no pretend ness, isn’t that just making you want to appreciate her more for being so genuine?When I’m riding on bumpy roads, facing the bottlenecks and tribulations in life, she has been there and she is there to see me through. If not of her, I wouldn’t be able to make it. If I have not told her how important she is in my life, I wish I could tell her someday. Father Lord, I wish I have 50% of her courage, 70% of her determination and 90% of her strength; to go to her to tell her that world is still worth living in it’s because of her.
so happy~~ wahhh....... sounds as if i so..wahh..
i am DEEPLY LOVED! :D muakssssssssss...!
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