Thursday, July 31, 2008

Great inspiring Person

I was not quite happy before the shopping today.
Once again the thought of giving up hits me.

Many things that a person say can really affect the other person.
Just as we say something to kill another dream/wish of the other person, have we put a pause to think through.... "Why is the other person thinking that way?"
Could it be due to the age?
Could it be due to the experiences in his life?
Things that he been through?

And when i got back, i came across this film, "The Last Lecture-Finding your childhood dream"
He died July 25, 2008. But i guess, the impact he left behind was tremendous.
Some of the key points that impacted me were:
1.) Experience is what you get when you do not get what you want.
2.) If you wait long enough, it might be months, years, the good side of the person will show up.
3.) Finding and pursueing your Passion
4.) Don't give up

And the other short clip i continued on...

1.) "I waited until the age of 39 to get marry because I am waiting to find someone whom her happiness is more important than mine"
2.) Ripple will come, what matters is what you do from your birth to the ripple.

1 key thing i realized today...........
A Leader who impacts lives is doing things out of his passion, he is fullfilling his Purpose on earth, and his life speaks for him.

I hope i will not give up on the thing on the verge of my mind, but to believe in if i wait long enough, the good in a person will show up.

Be patient, my dear.

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