Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Not sure have u ever feel that way... but i guess u sure did. haha~

sometimes, i am very upset with certain friends. Close friends especially.
In whom you hope...
1.) they will support you in ur decision.
2.) they will encourage you in certain way
3.) they will provide helping hand to you when you need it.
4.) they will not calculate so much with you.
5.) they will lend their listening ear and listen with their heart and empathize with your problem...

mmm, but all i get were..
1.) continuous putting down
2.) minimize your feeling
3.) envy your situation
4.) spreading of your news

at the end result.. i often feel even more discouraged...
even more down...
even more upset....

mm, so what's the point of talking to them?...

i think i really must exercise self-control in choosing the RIGHT one to talk to.
And i guess, the only RIGHT one is God~ :D

COme on~~~ Cheer Up!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

it's great to hear ...

mm, it's great to hear that my boss accepted Christ.
Yeah~~ that will means, next time when i go to heaven, i get to see him there too~~ heeheheheh~~

It's a great news for me in 2010!

May 2010 continue to sore with great blessings + good news!!!
yeah!!! :D


mmm, i am praying for a new direction... Hopefully God will answer me according to His own timing.
Of course i do not want to rush the timing.

God, please help me to held my integrity as well regardless of the world's standard.

I was quite upset for certain events happened in life.
I was just being honest but i was accused :(
And the whole matter make me think that, it's time for me to wake up and go on with a total new course. Hence, i am praying while doing. ;)

I hope i will get a GOOD testimony soon for my dad's property. :D

But, of course, i wish to thank God for the many things that He has blessed me and guided me.
-housemate search
-house search
-career planning

ah yes, let's see if i am able to marry before i turned 30.... heheehhe~~~ :D

Looking forward for a total new course of life~ gogogogogoogogogog!!

my darling's little garden

hehehe~ inspire by some window box & hanging flowers.... hehehe, i brought my darling to buy some flowers for his apartment.. :D so nice~~~

The hanging rack to make the box higher~
diff angle... RM12 per pots... hehehee
hopefully i get more seeds from the flowers + i can grow my own~~ yeah!!
Grow Grow Grow!!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Housemate Rev ?

yeah, finally got a housemate in April!
Yeah, Prayer answered. :D

Thank God. Thanks to housenotice.com ... :D

Been learning a lot in property line lately.. and thanks to those people who have in many ways motivates me, inspire me to rise up higher.

Next is to sell my dad's property....
+ many more...
and yes...
I am praying for a new direction in my life once again.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010


did 2 businesses lately~ but under upgrade existing policies.. so i am still on 2/24... come on~

lately been busy too with searching for new housemate, since my korean housemate will be leaving by end of march. I need to pray hard again for new housemate,,, looking at the parking situation here.

But god is good... i currently have 1 confirmed guy who wanted the room. but he kept delaying me from paying deposit since last friday... he said he is busy busy busy.. mmm, and yesterday another guy came and he wants the room but he cannot pay me the deposit due to i told him that i need to confirm with the first guy first..... ah! so troubled.....

i sms guy 1 to let him know a time line, which is til tomorrow, no deposit, no room.
and i sms guy 2 to let him know if he still interested, i ll confirm with him tomorrow.

i hope that 1 of these guys will take up the room and end my housemate search.... come on~ now looking at the situation, i more hopeful that guy 1 will quit and guy 2 will take the room. ( to avoid delay of rental payment next time)...

ah.. best is to get marry faster and solved the housemate problem forever la..... hahahaha!!!!


Sunday, March 07, 2010


i will definitely remember those who have supported me in pursuing my career in GE.
for those who don't support me... it's ok too... because i will definitely remember that, i will be more successful when you support me in the future~

heehe~~ gogogogogo!!...

It's just the timing~ ok?


Window Box

hehehe~~ nice right?? Window box... hehehe~~~

Flower Basket

hehehe.. falling in love with flower basket... hehehe~~~
Hopefully able to build 1 soon~~~ :D Don't know is it hard to maintain??
mmm, found out Penang does not have much nice flower... mmm......... may be i need to localize the flowers~~ :D

nice~~ i love this!!
the hanger


Lately been busy with houses business...

searching for a property to buy..
selling a property..
finding housemate...
negotiating with seller...
negotiating with lawyer...
applying bank loans...
talking to diff agents.

mmm....... Hopefully all things will be done smoothly soon~


very shocked after get to know my friends broke up ....

erm... n very shock to see one of them has started a new relationship.

er.... who is right? who is wrong?
i guess... no one is there to comment since we do not know the full story.
both side might have their own set of story.

erm..no matter what, hope God will continue to watch over them in their journey in coming future.
