Sunday, September 10, 2006

mm.. Altering my course....

mm.. Perhaps sometimes, it's great to just alter your course and heading towards another direction when the route that you used to walk, is no longer beneficial to you?

Route A: You are down.. always hits by emotion swing... Always affect by something in the past.. though sometimes happy but yet, most of the time, you are struggling to let go of something...

Route B: Begin a new route.. everything is new.... though uncertain, but yet, you can move in future with hope and joy.....

mm? I start to wonder........ in the beginning to Route B............... Am i making the right choice?



ChinAki said...
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ChinAki said...

Walk the route you have chosen and dont look back :)
If You missed Him, He will find you.

navy1048 said...

thank you for your support..... i know what to do now.. :D