Sunday, December 30, 2007

Reallign my direction

Yesterday in church, It was a great message.
Moving from joy and amazement to GREAT JOY.
Eternal Life begin from now, the life on earth.
Do not be so anxiously waiting for Eternal Life in Heaven and Missed out the life on Earth. Because God is combining Heaven and Earth. I agreed!

1 thing that strikes my mind was, checking the direction that i am moving in.
I guess, i have not been praying for this as i was last time.
I hope i will take this up seriously once again, praying for His direction for my life.

2008, an exponential year, i hope we will soar in the right direction that He has for us.
I thank God for truly a great 2007.
For the many friendships He has blessed me with.
For the healing of sadness in my heart regarding my past relationship.
For the new house that my sis and i bought.
For some of the good relationships that i treasure.
For the directions He has given me.
For the many impacts that He left in my heart through the many trips i made.
For the vietnam trip.
For the increased of faith and love.

I truly Thank God for such a wonderful 2007. ;)

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