Tuesday, February 26, 2008

2 types of friends

1.) they care about you because they care more about themselves.

this type of friend show their care to you because they are worried about their images in your heart. They want to make sure they are having a good image in your heart. Or they care about you because they want something from you..(attention, money, benefits, etc)

2.) they care about you with sincere hearts

this type of friend care for you with their very sincere hearts. They will be there for you whenever you need their help. They will be there listening to you, provides supports, without even thinking about themselves.

I always be thankful that i have many of No 2... :) And of course.. sometimes, as you grow older, you will need to learn how to deal with No 1.. heheehhehe~~~ is that called Maturity ar? haha.. I really wonder.

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