Wednesday, March 07, 2007

8 Fatal Flaws to watch out in a partner

These are the 8 fatal flaws to watch out. Human are imperfect, it's not saying having these flaws means you are not good, but it serves as some weaknesses to watch out, weaknesses that can cause trouble in a relationship.

1.) Anger
Don't go out with an angry man. It's a time bomb. It will hold your heart and hold you as hostage. You cannot truly relax. Anger= normal expressions.. be angry and do not sin.. you can get angry and upset and not sin against God.. angry and not lose your temper and not let devil take advantage of you.. the anger here is the fatal flaw.. the anger out of demonic.. cursing and swearing.. smash the door.. smash the room.. Don't start a relationship unless there's a provable change. There must be fruit of repentance.

2.) Victim consciousness
Attitude that blame others for all their problem. Genesis 3:9.. God say, where are you.. adam say I heard your voice and I am naked..and I hid myself.. Adam blame Eve… (the women that you gave me.. ).. Blame God.. v13.. women blame devil……. My parents treated me badly.. I did not get enough attention at school.. etc.. If ur partner has tendency of blaming others.. you better watch out.. because you are the next person to get blame. Ultimately, everything will be your fault. In spike of all their complains.. they ll have a hard time receiving your love.. victim enjoys suffering……… no matter how much you try to console them, they will never cheer up. In time, your sympathy to them will turn into apathy (indifference).. your thought will become like this.."don't waste your time".."she is always like this.."
A victim wants you to tell him what to do..

3.) Control freak
A control freak must make all the decision himself.. he must tell u wat to do.. we all like to have control of thing in our life.. a control freak takes 1 step further.. they want to control everything. They don't show u their emotional.. they don't show they need you.. because it shows you they are weak.. or.. he needs you too much.. get jealous..etc.. may be I not good enough.. if u love me, u ll call me.. if u love me, u ll…. Etc etc.. Control freak get hurt easily when they feel out of control…. They usually have sexual problem in marriage.. They cannot let go.. Psalm 32:4-5.. my strength evaporate .. until I finally confess my sin to u.. if u have this control freak in you.. let god help u.

4.) Sexual Immorality
Sexually immoral. Sexual addiction/obsession, ppl get addicted to sex. Don't mistake your partner's sex addiction to sexual interest in you. If they can't respect your body before you are married.. how you want them to respect you? Pornography destroy intimacy. Intimacy is a shared experience. Pornography introduce a 3rd picture.. a thought of someone else……. It is not alright. Lack of sexual integrity.. lust over women… Job 31:1 I make a covenant with my eyes not to look at lust to a women.. do u partner constantly snare at women?.. making sexual comments? Inappropriately touching other people. If your partner don't treat you since the beginning of relationship, he won;'t suddenly change. U ll not succeed in life if you don confess your sin…….
5.) Your partner has not grown up
My boyfriend constantly forget this that.. I felt like a mother.. finances like a mess.. doesn't pay his bill on time.. he says:"I just live one day of a time..".. refuse to be responsible. Force you to take the role of the parent. Financial ok? Always borrow money from others and never return? Doesn't plan ahead on money.. always spend.. expensive car, gadget.. etc.. constantly don't like jobs.. etc.. Luke 16:11 if you have not been faithful in money.. how do u expect him to take care?.. Is he dependable?.. when I became a man, I put away childish things.. be childlike and don't be childish… we don't expect a child to keep promise, learn finances.. but you are not looking to be a father/mother of your partner… you don't want to marry a kid.. you want someone who is dependable. Eventually you ll lose trust……. And end up in Anger. Is your partner grown up yet?.. is he unmotivated? Is he seems to have no direction and purpose in life?.. is he cannot make decision? I too confused.. I cannot make decision.. does your partner have significant problem and don want to face it? Everything is incremental in heaven…… they are waiting for someone to make things work for them. If this things last for years.. it's a permanent stage of immature. If you continue to be in this relationship, u ll resentful, angry, loose respect. If you are married, you ll lose your sex life.. how to have sex with a kid?..

6.) Emotional unavailable
Emotionally shut down. Why choose someone that heart's already harden.. those that cannot show emotion.. relationship= interaction between 2 people.. not 1 person trying to interact and the other person doing nothing. If your partner can't show his emotion to you.. u ll be a human can opener. You ll spend half of your life, trying to open him up. God created us to have feeling… he make us emotional.. Can your partner talk about feeling? They can't open up.

7.) Has not recover from past relationship
Carry tremendous anger and resentment over previous mate.
Ask this.."how do u feel about your ex?".. if u cannot be gracious and forgiving.. becareful.
The more anger u carry in your hard, the more u are going to carry to the next relationship.
Signs of not recover..>>
Guilty and responsible for his ex.
Always worry about his ex.
Always talking to you about ex.
Hiding your relationship with you from her?

Give yourself 1-1.5 year before getting in love again.. your heart need time to recover. Just cool off if he cannot forget his ex… emotionally fragile? Cannot trust you? Still cry on your shoulder over the past? .. don't be tempted to play the Saviour. Give them time to be heal by Lord. How can you go on a relationship like that?
8.) Emotional damage from childhood-> the most serious one!
18 years old= 95% programmed on how you response. Left 5%...
Sexual abuse/trauma. Have you been sexually molest, as a child? Saw parent having affair? Prostitution..
Physical/verbal abuse.
Parental abandonment. Divorce, death. Afraid of commitment.
Co-dependency. They are obsessed with only pleasing you.."I am sorry.. sorry sorry.." the only way they can be happy is they see u happy. This is a serious flaw. Seek God to heal.

1.) Do you observe these flaws in your future partner?
2.) Are you falling into the 3 deadly myth?
3.) Are you in the 8 types of relationship that won't work?

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