Monday, January 21, 2008

I miss Squash!

So, i injured my wrist + right shoulder.

My body:
1.) Shoulder
Left--> ligament injured during Karate session last time :(
Right--> ligament injured during squash last friday. :(

2.) Wrist
Left--> Praise God..good!
Right--> Ligament injured during badminton the day after house of bethel. :(

3.) Knee
Left--> will pain if run too much,such as penang bridge
Right--> will pain if run too much, such as penang bridge
still ok la..! yipee!!

4.) Ankle
Left--> Yipee! Good
Right--> Injured during 2005 squash :( Serious injury! :(

Pray Pray God heal all~ AMEN!


Jenn said...

wah lau... u banyak injury ooo...

better take care lar girl! ;)

Simple Guy said...

zzzz .... zzzzz ....

When someone becum feminine then oso becum fragile dy ... kakakak

navy1048 said...

grrr! this bro......!!

Jenn said...

Feminine doesn't mean fragile dude!

Feminine is about being womenly, showing all the characters of a women should have: Grace, Love, Confiding & modest. Sometimes we, women let guys do the tough work just to feed their freaking HUGE EGO! That doesn't mean we are fragile, we are just being modest & feminine! :p

Girl rocks!

Simple Guy said...

lenglui ma ... sure banyak injury la ... hahha .. this is wat u cant jealous or envy about ...
zzzzzzzzzz ..... tuku dy ...

lkemy said...

I miss squash too....

navy1048 said...

hahaa.. thanks jenn!! yeah!! correct!! :P

don care my bro la..

jen meet johny..
johny meet jen...

Simple Guy said...

Hi jenn ... plz tell all those guys who is tackling my sis one better take good care of this so called FEMININE sis lo ... heheh ... whoever 'GETS' her will be the luckiest guy in this whole wide world ...

navy1048 said...

:~ speechless.....

Jenn said...

Hi Johny!

Haha.... don't worry,... we'll screen thru the guys that will tackle her.. those useless one will be kick out to another planet and may them never come back!

hehe... ganas nya.. :p

Just came back from KL.. so tired..

navy1048 said...

ewa..since when u all so active......