Tuesday, August 19, 2008


1.) My Mood: as if whole earth owe me $$.... >:/
2.) Why:
a. combination of emotions, rejections, sarcasism
b. lack of focus.. do not know what to do anymore after seeing phelps got the 8 golds..
c. low motivation at work
3.) Happy thing?
a. http://aiyahnonya.blogspot.com/ -> this is a super cook mum.... hahaa, nice blog about food!
b. yeah..leaving soon................ hahahaha~~ still celebrating...
c. thinking to take leave next coming friday... hahaa.. just to go for haircut/watever

due to the apple crumble (nicely baked by my CG member...)... i am skipping lunch again.. hahaha~ too full~

arrr............the Marathon is coming Nov 16.. http://www.penangmarathon.gov.my/portal/
87days to go......... and i ... hahaah..pathetically.......can only run 1KM... zzzz....
and i am 80% signing up for 25KM??!
hahaa........ ok lar, wat the heck...since i want to test out my shoe's realibility..now it's the time :D

Except the michael phelps swimming week............. now.. i am in COUNTING down week......... haha, complicated mix feeling ~ ar..

dad said a day before yesterday, the flash flood kinda flood the front porch of my new house.. arr? hahaa~~

arr..whatever.. counting down the "BreakUp" day... yeah... finally move on to new group.. hahahaahahaa~~ Pursuit of Happiness......... YEAH~~~

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