Thursday, July 26, 2007


Life, is just a game.

Level 1: Age0-Age6
Learn basic survival skills-to communicate, to eat, to crawl, to walk, to jump, to fullfil your needs.

Level 2: Age 7-12
Pick up knowledge to prepare for secondary school.
Study hard for UPSR
Exploring your interests and hobbies.

Level 3: Age 13-18
Level1: Study Hard ahieve flying colors in PMR
Level 2: Decide which main streams you want to choose and study hard for SPM
Be extra active in co-curiculum because university needs it.

Level 4: Age 18-22
Study Hard for university degree.
Start socializing, staying outside, preparing for facing the reality out there.

Level 5: Age 22-???
This stage to me.. err..
Earlier stage.. you work and try achieve certain position, salary, etc..
Then reality hits you bit by bit and you start to feel overcome by the world a bit...
You reminded yourself that you want to overcome all these uncertainity....
Then u charged up.. go on and on...
Then you realize your passion and purpose on earth and pursueing after them..
Then you met the one and start to set up family...
Bigger responsibilities sets in..
Bigger commitments...

wow... then the next level i dunno ady......coz not yet not yet.........err..But neh, the conclusion=

When you are overwhelmed by the worlds' disappointments.. hurts from friends... from love one... remember, this is only a PHASE of your life........... Many people is walking the same path with you.. they face the lost of direction you are facing too... they were hurted badly by their loved one too... But this is a growing up process.. it is a life long process until the day you leave this earth................. LIve a victorious life:)

Because... He come, so that we may have life, and have it more ABUNDANTLy!! :D

1 comment:

Simple Guy said...

dear navy ar.... next time can u write shorter one ar ... read till my eyes pop out dy ler .... pay back with 3 thighs 2 ribs ... wakakkakaka