Monday, August 18, 2008


And there you go, yesterday in the staff's meeting, my big boss annouce my leaving to the managers and technical staffs.

He asked" so what are you going to do?"
i said.."dunno".....

I am merely speechless. I think, when i have decided to end a relationship, there's nothing much that i want to say anymore. I can choose to bad mouth, i can choose to rationalize, i can choose to do a lot of things..... but, strengthless, i just choose to be silent, and counting the days.

I cried on the way of driving home..while i am reminded of the song...
"when the oceans rise and thunder roars, i will soar with you above the storms... "
I cried. I was reminded of my last breakup... where i cried many days amazed at, no matter how i have wronged God, He still loves me and guided me..through out all.
And i thought......... "Yupe, i guess human only improve by love... changed by love... "

my immediate boss choose to annouce it coming monday. He withdrew the annoucement which suppose to happen last week (which i am not very agreeable on his reason).. ( my heart: $#%#$%#$$@#$@$@##%$#%)... I am giving up.

Silent-- A moment when we choose to give up.
Silent-- A choice to take when all you got to say is just something hurtful
Silent-- When saying much won't help anymore..
Silent-- A moment for self reflection.

And, i am choosing to be SILENT.


ChinAki said...

You have made the right choice, to be silent.No need to say so much because what you said,might not mean anything to them. Walk the path that God has approved you to go,it might be lonely,but sister, i believe in our God and in you :)

Anonymous said...

Silent.... I also choose to be silence... because I am speechless.... nvm lar, dear.. God's with us.. :) lai, sayang sayang..