Friday, September 05, 2008

same old issue

haha, today encounter again............
difficulties to deal with female... :(

especially those who...
sensitive and yet tough.........
self centered and yet lack of confidence...

err.. faint
star said may be i mix too much with guys...
argghh! suddenly, i think i better keep quiet la... ma huan.. hahaa...

deference deference... i must exercise deference....


Jenn said...

haha... i understand.. sometimes i find it hard to handle such personality too... just take it easy! :)

Anonymous said...

yalor, keep quiet if they tak syiok listening.. no point to talk more.. kek ki nia, si bo? :P not everyone can take the words openly, that's why we should learn to speak their language lo.. if not, ignore lor..

lai, sayang..mai kek ki liao..