Wednesday, December 10, 2008

more n more negative

found out i am becoming more and more negative as i grow up...

i guess it must be due to the "perception" i had on others based on experience.

for example, when i look at...
1.) someone.. ar.. so arrogant and proud with her own son......... but not so proud with her daughter.. err? 重男轻女?
2.) someone... always want to minimize other ppl's achievement......... ...zz
3.) someone... so dying for attention.........
4.) someone....... so fake!!!
5.) someone.... so bloody stingy and calculative........
6.) someone.... so money-minded.........

etc etc...........oh no, i am being poison..and my heart has grow cold........

goodness...... i better repair my heart........ my mind............
bleach my brain???


ruiqing said...

on the other hand, as long as u r not judging them, would you say u r more observant now??That u know the type when u see one??

ruiqing said...
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